Introducing Campaign Options

Introducing Campaign Options | Release Days @ Hudson MX




Planning, Scheduling

Make it faster and easier to present different strategies to clients during the Campaign planning process—and ensure the best results.

Next Up
Today this capability is live for Local TV, Local Radio, and National Radio, with possible other media types down the road.  

Learn More
View release documentation for this feature here.


Thoroughly explore a range of schedule options without the hassle of building and rebuilding plans. 

At Hudson, we’re always looking for ways to free up buyers to find creative solutions that help advertisers reach the best audiences at the best price. We also know that iterating and collaborating are at the heart of this process.  So naturally, when we heard from buyers how much tedious labor was involved in simulating multiple versions of campaigns, we wanted to help. We observed how each version is built and saved—and then rebuilt when edits were required. While this is at least tenable to peak at the impact of small, single tweaks to a campaign,  rebuilding campaigns over and over again to present a number of different potential adjustments that could really “move the needle” for brands quickly becomes a laborious, manual burden.

An animated GIF of a user going through the Schedule Units process

With this new, game-changing enhancement—now available to National Radio and all Local users, with possible expansion across more workflows on the horizon—users have the ability to create and save as many potential campaign options as they might need for any campaign. After considering different strategic options for a campaign—for example, whether to load up on daytime or go deep on news shows—buyers can simply build and save options once, with the assurance they can switch between, make changes to, and move forward with any of them.  This capability makes it much easier to present to clients and collaborate without tedious re-work, as well as make additional edits “on the fly.” This enhancement is a great example of how our development teams seek to make life easier for users while delivering the best possible results for advertisers.

“As a general principle, creativity and workload should never be at odds. Challenging this status quo enables teams to optimally leverage talented buyers—and eliminate the risk of underserving brands.

The buyers we work with have no shortage of good ideas. We obviously want to make it as easy as possible for them to bring different strategies to the table. This campaign options functionality is a great start—a new capability that I could see being foundational for the future. From expanding it to new media types and cross-media campaigns to creating new ways to compare and contrast during Prebuy, to even fully simulating how different campaigns options will perform, there are many ways we can help buyers innovate, collaborate, and delight advertisers without burning the midnight oil.”

— Bobbie Perez,
Product Lead, Hudson MX

Bobbie Perez,<br>Product Lead, Hudson MX


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