Introducing the Buyer Wallet+

Introducing the Buyer Wallet | Release Days @ Hudson MX | [Graphic of Multiple parts of the UI relating to adding estimates, allocated vs. available budget, and Wallet/Order Audit Log


Buyer “Wallet”

All Buyers (except Local)

Campaign Planning

The new “wallet” enables holistic, real-time visibility into all approved, allocated, and available budgets for a campaign in one central place. When utilizing a Wallet, buyers can get a jumpstart on planning before estimates and products are even created—then add as many of each as desired once they become available.

Next Up
Today the Wallet supports PreBuy workflows. In the coming quarters, look for Wallet functionality to integrate incremental workflows and features which may include: LiveBuy Worksheet, Ordering, MAF, Deal Management, and more.  

Learn More
View release documentation for this feature here.


Managing the entire budget for a client’s strategy or goal in one unified “Wallet” enables buyers new levels of speed and agility while providing spend visibility and control in real-time.

BuyerAssist > Worksheet [Graphic of the Wallet and Order Audit Log buttons]

For many buyers, keeping track of what they can spend and how much is left can be a real hassle given the realities of different funding sources, multiple estimates, and staggered approvals. The traditional approach of having one estimate and one product per campaign is time-consuming and error-prone—and can result in a leftover budget that could have been avoided by using better tools.

BuyerAssist >  Worksheet > Wallet [Graphic of the Add Estimate Function showing a list of estimates.]

The concept of a centralized digital “Wallet” is becoming more prevalent in day-to-day life—for example, the Apple iPhone Wallet streamlines contactless credit card payments and more. Fundamentally, it’s an easy way to allow several methods of payment to be defined within the wallet (for example, several different credit cards, gift cards, coupons, etc.) and keep a running total. Similarly, with the new Wallet in BuyerAssist, buyers can add and manage all the products and estimates relevant to their campaign, client, and/or goal without having to wait on estimates or worry about how information needs to be communicated to clients or utilized by finance.

By effectively insulating buyers from the tracking and process logistics of clients, buyers, admins, and media finance professionals,  the new Wallet concept frees up time and headspace for buyers to do more of what they do best: getting the best results for advertisers.  

Now buyers can create a new campaign, even before knowing the product and estimate — enabling them to start building a media plan immediately while they wait for the right products and estimates to be created. Once created, a buyer can then add them all to their “Wallet.”  Multiple products and estimates can be added to each Wallet and therefore to a campaign where the entire budget can be tracked, managed, and edited by permissioned buyers and/or administrators.

With this new, game-changing enhancement—now available to National Radio and all Local users, with possible expansion across more workflows on the horizon—users have the ability to create and save as many potential campaign options as they might need for any campaign. After considering different strategic options for a campaign—for example, whether to load up on daytime or go deep on news shows—buyers can simply build and save options once, with the assurance they can switch between, make changes to, and move forward with any of them.  This capability makes it much easier to present to clients and collaborate without tedious re-work, as well as make additional edits “on the fly.” This enhancement is a great example of how our development teams seek to make life easier for users while delivering the best possible results for advertisers.

BuyerAssist > Worksheet [Graphic of the Allocated Budget and Available Budget columns]

“This is just the beginning—our big picture vision is to turn planning into more of a sandbox environment where you can build, save, edit, and share without commitment.”

The Wallet concept makes it so much easier to track and control all spending for a given campaign or goal in real-time all in one place. All of the necessary information for communicating with clients, paying vendors, and syncing with an ERP tool are all still there—but behind the scenes, where the system automatically takes care of keeping everything sorted. For instance, today buyers will appreciate being able to easily add new estimates when a client commits to increasing spend or being able to holistically manage a promotional campaign spanning several products. But in the not too distant future, I can also see cross media and cross channel Wallets that even incorporate deals, and it really becomes interesting…”

— Alex Nunnelly
Product Lead, Hudson MX

Alex Nunnelly,<br>Product Lead, Hudson MX


Empowering Media Finance Teams: Creating New Value for Agencies and Brands


Introducing Campaign Options