MX Product Roundup vol. 1

Spotlight | Our experts’ favorite tools for media buying and finance teams

  • New Tax Rules Engine

    This exciting new feature allows administrators to automatically apply the correct taxes to buylines—so buyers don’t have to anymore.

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  • Integrated Intercompany Workflow

    Work more efficiently and enhance collaboration across agencies— or across agencies and advertisers.

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  • Comscore Custom Audience Segments

    Data can be integrated into the platform to help buyers select the best inventory and deliver the best outcomes.

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  • Advanced Google Ads Invoice Integration

    This integration fully automates invoice ingestion–no more keying in data or manually matching invoices to IOs.

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Volume 1 Header Image, showcasing new features

Tax Rules Engine

MX Central™ with links to BuyerAssist™ today, and FinanceAssist™ in future releases.

Automated Taxes.

Administrators—with impact for buyers today, and finance teams in future releases.

Billing, Manager Controls, Rules, Reconciliation - Buying, Reconciliation - Finance, Reports.

Affords better accuracy and enhanced control, gives users peace of mind, and saves time by reducing manual entry and the number of steps required to complete a task.

What’s next
Today tax rules can be set up and linked to BuyerAssist™ to add taxes to BuyerAssist™ buylines automatically. In the future, rules will also link to FinanceAssist™ for billing and paying.


New “Tax Rules” tool allows administrators to set up and activate logic that will automatically handle taxes throughout the platform.

Leveraging an intuitive interface, non-technical, permissioned users can input “if / then” type logic that will determine when taxes should be applied, which place of use should be used, and the tax rate or amount to add to buylines based on jurisdiction code. Once activated, these rules ensure taxes are consistently and accurately applied for all buylines automatically. 

This new capability enables admins to drive compliance and accuracy while reducing workload for buyers and finance teams by removing manual entry and guesswork. The correct tax amount is automatically added to the buy and accounted for in the campaign budget so that buyers don’t inadvertently buy over the budget amount when not accounting for tax. If changes are made to the buy, the tax amount can be recalculated. The tax amount will ultimately be automatically added to the bill and submitted to the ERP so finance users don’t have to calculate it manually. 


A look at how it works


Designate how tax rules are applied.


Click to add taxes.

Graphic showing the "Calculate Tax" option inside Order Details

“This is a major step toward ensuring buyers never have to think about taxes ever again.

Many states have specific tax rules relative to different media types—depending on location of buyer, advertiser, media owner, and delivery. Buyers are too busy to have to remember to enter taxes line by line or be responsible for tax code compliance. Centrally managed rules will automatically determine these taxes so buyers don't even have to think about it anymore.”

Headshot of Oscar Garza

Oscar Garza,
MX Central™ Product Team, Hudson MX


Integrated Intercompany Workflow

MX Central™, BuyerAssist™, FinanceAssist™, VendorAssist™

Seamless Intercompany Workflow

Administrators, IT, Security, Buyers, Finance 

Campaign Planning, Ordering, Performance Reporting, Billing

Affords greater accuracy and enhanced visibility, makes it easier to collaborate, saves time by reducing manual entry and the number of steps required to complete a task.

What’s next?
Today these workflows are available for all Digital, OOH, and Print. Once spot-level bill detail is enabled, this functionality will also be available for Local and National.


Streamlined workflows for collaboration across organizations prevents operational headaches from getting in the way of strategic opportunities.

Link agencies

There are so many high-impact ways to collaborate across organizations to create value—from sharing a heavy workload to accessing special expertise to leveraging data, deals, relationships, and more. It’s essential that cross-organization workflows are convenient vs. cumbersome. We’ve simplified and streamlined collaborative workflows dramatically to save time, improve accuracy, and enhance visibility and control.

  • Your Inventory, orders, and billing information auto-populate in partner’s system to totally eliminate the need for double and triple data entry and reduce tedious work for buyers and finance teams.

  • When your partner sends you a bill, the corresponding invoice is automatically created from that bill in your system without human intervention and with the correct cost details and level of transparency. This avoids the same invoice needing to be added twice into two accounts.

  • Permissioned administrators gain advertiser- and estimate-level visibility and control to strategically dictate workflow across organizations.

  • Relevant delivery and performance data is shared seamlessly between organizations with appropriate cost details and level of transparency so you don’t have to manually share excel data.

A look at how it works

Designate Intercompany buyers.

Graphic showing the selection of "InterCompany Buyer" on a list of options.

Partner imports your buy.

Graphic showing import of Intercompany data into VendorAssist

Data is automatically populated in system.

Graphic showing the Automatic Invoice Type under the FinanceAssist Invoice List

“Seamless intercompany workflows will enable more frequent and varied strategic use of cross-agency or agency-brand resources to optimize outcomes while reducing the manual burden of double entry.

Customers told us there’s just way too much tedious and manual work going on outside the platform to keep track of advertiser costs, vendor costs, and other important information. Given increasing opportunities to collaborate across agencies and brands, monetize internal products and expand expertise and capacity by working with other organizations, the use of excel spreadsheets, phone calls, and emails has to stop. Lightening the hassle and workload of interco transactions will open up more and more opportunities to collaborate.”

Headshot of Alex Nunnelly

Alex Nunnelly,
BuyerAssist™ Product Team, Hudson MX

Custom Audience Data Integration - Comscore Custom Segments

BuyerAssist™–but could be linked to FinanceAssist™ if desired

Integrations - Proprietary and 3rd Party Data 

Local Buyers—but other data sets could be used for other media types/teams if desired

Campaign Planning, Data Activation, Estimation, Integrations, Schedule / Media Plan–but could be linked to other workflows such as billing or reporting if desired

Makes it easier to deliver the best results for brands.

What’s Next?
While today’s update is about a specific type of custom audience data being used in Prebuy, the flexible, open MX Platform™ is designed to accommodate any proprietary or 3rd party data from end-to-end for any media type. It’s all based on your needs and admin requests.


Additional custom audience data sets can be surfaced right from within the buying workflow to inform decision-making.

Brands are increasingly interested in leveraging new data to reach their targets in the most efficient way possible. Historically, this has entailed cross-referencing data housed in spreadsheets outside the platform. This cumbersome process prohibits systematic use of data at scale in the buying workflow versus only in planning and post-buy. 

With this recent enhancement, Administrators can permission the use of a Comscore Custom Segment for specific brands and markets. This makes it easier for buyers to make the best decisions by having the right data at the right point at the right time in one unified buying workflow.  In addition, admins will also be able to drive compliance and best practices for data usage based on Agency and Advertiser guidelines. 


A look at how it works

Once Administrators have worked with Hudson MX to set up in-platform data they can grant specific users permission to access these new data sets within the Prebuy Worksheet for relevant markets.

Select a proprietary or 3rd-party custom data set to use for a buy.

A Graphic showing Comscore as a data source for a campaign in BuyerAssist

Permissioned users can automatically view selected data in buying workflow.

Comscore data populated into a BuyerAssist worksheet

“A great example of how any type of proprietary or 3rd party data can be surfaced right within the workflow to help buyers make the best possible decisions.

As a former local buyer I know how important it is to have data at your fingertips to help hit your goals.  One of the great things about our platform is that any data can be used more widely throughout the workflow-- generating and submitting orders, monitoring campaign delivery, evaluating makegoods or changes. Ultimately any data can be used as Pay for Performance currency for any media type.”

Headshot of Alli Christensen

Alli Christensen,
Product Strategy, Hudson MX

Fully Automated Google Ads Invoice Ingestion


Integrations - Invoices


Integrations, Reconciliation - Finance

Saves time by reducing manual entry and the number of steps required to complete a task.

What’s Next?
Our team is laser-focused on ways to streamline and speed up reconciliation for buyers and finance users. We continue to work with customers to optimize reconciliation rules to automate matching and with vendors to standardize electronic invoice delivery.


Now Google Ads invoices can be automatically ingested without any manual intervention or processing required.*

This new invoice integration builds upon our previous IO integration. Historically, there were 3 options to get invoices from Google Ads into your system: have employees input them manually, outsource the process to a 3rd party vendor, or use legacy vendor APIs that technically ingest invoices—but don’t actually eliminate the need for significant human intervention to split and match account level invoices to individual IO level liabilities. Historical options don’t get to the root of the problem—that the way media is being bought doesn't often match how programmatic platforms, like Google Ads, invoice.

Our MX Cloud™ integrations are in a league of their own. Robust and flexible, they can completely eliminate tedious manual tasks—from AP/Shared Services users inputting data to buyers typing in IO numbers.

*Reach out to your admin or Google Ads representative to find out how you can take advantage of this invoice integration.


A look at how it works

Graphic showing sync of Google Ads Invoice accounts with an Invoice List in FinanceAssist

“We can’t wait for you to see what we mean when we say our flexible integrations are game-changers when it comes to saving time and steps.

Our modern, cloud-based platform was designed for custom connectivity–around the idea that it should be simple to get data in and out in a timely, automated manner without human intervention.  

This integration is a good example of why flexibility matters. We can roll data up or down easily to match it to a third party's invoice. For example, whether a Google invoice applies to three separate IOs or just one—we can handle it. If one campaign needs to be matched to more than one Google invoice—we can handle that too! Bottom line: billing and paying logistics shouldn’t impact your buying strategy or create extra work.”

—Jessie De Luca,
SVP, Strategy, Hudson MX

Photo showing a hand picking up the receiver of an old rotary telephone.

Want to learn more?

If you’re interested in learning more about our solutions, please let us know. We’ll be in touch!