Do you need a new media management system?

From lack of media buying and finance visibility to cumbersome and rigid workflows, organizations grapple with many challenges hindering operational efficiency and growth in today's fast-paced media landscape.

Whether your team is confronted with system shutdowns, manual data entry errors, or critical issues like budget overspending, delayed performance metrics, and finance data—the need for a modern media management solution is undeniable. Without streamlined processes and real-time collaboration capabilities, businesses face roadblocks in activating data at scale, testing new strategies, and adapting to market changes, ultimately impeding their ability to maximize revenue and stay competitive.


Checklist: Signs you that it is time to optimize your media tech stack

Daily Employee & Manager Struggles

  • Overnight system shut downs and forced “batch” vs. “on-demand” processes
  • Excessive manual data entry—and all the mistakes that go with it
  • Fields, screens, and workflows can’t be edited by internal staff—even by IT
  • Difficulty syncing internal & external teams, data, and workflows in real time

Lack of Media & Finance Visibility

  • Can’t easily see media spend vs. plan across all buys in real time
  • Can’t easily see performance across vendors, clients, platforms & channels
  • Data hygiene issues interfere with proper reporting
  • Difficult to see which invoices to pay and when

Cumbersome / Rigid Workflows

  • Tasks from RFPs to invoice reconciliation are overly slow and time consuming
  • Digital platform campaign data can’t be “pulled” into your system automatically
  • Inefficient, error-prone budget / MAF work happens outside the system
  • Little support for advanced or custom billing and pricing needs

Results & Growth Roadblocks

  • Difficulty activating proprietary and third party data at scale
  • Insufficient speed to market in testing new strategies
  • Difficulty making mid flight changes to budget or allocations
  • Inability to get data to fuel MMM and analytics in timely manner
  • Late payments, accidental underspend, underutilization of deals, etc.
  • Arduous to impossible to work with as many sellers and vendors as you want


Modern agencies need modern tech to stay ahead.

MX Platform is the first and only enterprise-scale media management system built from scratch after the invention of cloud computing and digital advertising. See what you’re missing and book a demo with us today.


What’s next: A look at the next era of digital omnichannel


Easy, Breezy Digital Invoice Reconciliation with the MX Platform™